HDCP • HDCP • HDCP (High Bandwidth Digital Protection) is an encryption system for digital video, which was developed in 2003 by Intel. It applies to all content on Blu-ray Discs and HD DVDs, and allows the best possible resolution for display...
...These sophisticated extenders use CATx cabling infrastructure, but in comparison to standard non-networked CATx extenders, they multicast data over an active Ethernet network. They do this by packetizing media streams for delivery over an IP-bas...
Ethernet Extensions • Ethernet extensions • Not a solution that you can do inmediately or for somewhat money. • Computer cables can only be too short, but never too long. The same applies to networking cables. Sometimes it is just the last met...
...IP-based KVM extension • KVM extension has evolved from the simple operation of extending a keyboard-video-mouse workstation to control several CPUs to encompass much more. • From proprietary-based extension over copper or fibre cable, KV...
...and KVM switching and extension for collaborative workplaces. • Hybrid switching and extension solution. • Get a matrix switching solution for multiple signal types with the DKM. Replace multiple devices with one chassis-based system for switching...
What Are KVM extenders? • What Are KVM extenders? • KVM extenders are devices specifically designed to increase the distance that a keyboard, monitor and mouse (KVM station) can be placed from a computer or KVM switch. Some KVM extenders can a...
...Why Extend KVM? • KVM extenders are used in a huge range of applications in almost all sectors. From power stations to churches and from server farms to supermarkets, KVM extenders have been used to solve a range of problems. Here are some common ...
...KVM, HD video, and USB extension • Agility transmitters and receivers extend signals over CATx cable up to 100 metres (330 feet), and even farther with the addition of network switches. • Flexible topology with many options • Configure the Agility ...