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...built - in sample rate converter that provides predefined sample frequencies at the CON unit’s output . The user can set the following parameters directly via a configuration file : • Activate or deactivate sample rate converter • Set sample freque...
...products to media converters and Ethernet switches BLACK BOX all supported by free , live 24 / 7 Tech support available in 30 seconds or less . © Copyright 2011 . Black Box Corporation . All rights reserved . KV9628A , rev . 2 724 - 746 - 5500...
...and power and surge protection products to media converters and Ethernet switches all supported by free , live 24 / 7 Tech support available in 20 seconds or less . © Copyright 2010 . All rights reserved . 724 - 746 - 5500 | ® BLACK BO
...and power and surge protection products to media converters and Ethernet switches all supported by free , live 24 / 7 Tech support available in 20 seconds or less . © Copyright 2010 . All rights reserved . 724 - 746 - 5500 | ® BLACK BO
...products to media converters and Ethernet switches all supported by free , live 24 / 7 Tech support available in 20 seconds or less . © Copyright 2010 . All rights reserved . 724 - 746 - 5500 | ® BLACK BOX June 2010 IC400A 4 - Por... a serial - to - VGA converter which permits VT100 - capable devices to be viewed from the Octet switch local port . The actual serial data is not accessed , but is merely displayed . All serial data coming from the target device is displayed in ...
Power Supply > Manual > PS123.pdf (3.52 MB)
...products to media converters and Ethernet switches all supported by free , live 24 / 7 Tech support available in 60 seconds or less . © Copyright 2016 . Black Box Corporation . All rights reserved . IC502A - R2 user manual , version 3 877 - 87...
...products to media converters and Ethernet switches all supported by free , live 24 / 7 Tech support available in 30 seconds or less . © Copyright 2011 . Black Box Corporation . All rights reserved . ACU5050A - R2 , rev . 1 724 - 746 - 5500 | b...
...products to media converters and Ethernet switches all supported by free , live 24 / 7 Tech support available in 60 seconds or less . ® © Copyright 2016 . Black Box Corporation . All rights reserved . Black Box and the Double Diamond logo are ...
...HPD ) and complies with HDCP standards Š Š Supports Default EDID and EDID copy function for optimal PC - to - Screen performance Š Š Uses a bidirectional Infrared Remote ( IR ) signal and RS - 232 control communication ( Transmitter and Receiver ) Š...
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